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Experience interchange and international collaboration among cybersecurity

Why Women in Cybersecurity?

Mentorship circles

One on one meetings between
the mentor and the mentee. The mentor will be acting as a
trusted ally who will be speaking to the mentees current
journey and how to achieve their set goals for the program

Fireside chats

This will be interactive sessions, held to discuss cybersecurity interest areas with industrial players in the region. The chats will be an opportunity to demystify some of the current cybersecurity challenges.

Technical Training

The technical training will be
structured in a self-paced model. The trainers selected for this program are subject matter experts with vast knowledge
and experience in the cybersecurity domain.

Soft skill Training

The aim of these training will be to equip teh mentees with soft skills which are a requirement for the everyday work life. They will cover issues such as work life balance, interviewing and CV writing skills.

Our Mentors

Our mentors will be acting as trusted allies who will be speaking to the mentees current journey and how to achieve their set goals for the program

Our Mentees

The programme calls for gender diversity in cybersecurity and
encourages women in their early careers to take up roles in
cybersecurity by exposing them to technical and soft skill training
as well as providing interactive sessions to hear from other leaders
in the industry.

Our Cybersecurity consultants and Mentors have real world experience


Incoming Event: Women In Cyber Graduation Ceremony
Past Event
Past Event
Past Event
Past Event
Past Event

What mentees say

Such an honor for me to be chosen among the many that may have applied and I am excited and eager to participate and get to learn and network from this program.


I am so much excited to be part of this Women in Cyber Mentorship program. It is a great initiative and I believe I will learn a lot during the four month period.


Excited and optimistic about the Year! I am also looking forward to networking and meeting professionals in the cybersecurity space and learn more.


Ready to Start The Standard Chartered
Women in Cyber Security Program?

To access the learning management system (LMS), whether you are a mentor or a mentee, click the button below.